We all like Diwali very much and we celebrate it with great fervor. But friends, do you know the exact reason behind celebrating Diwali?

Why do we celebrate Diwali, after all, what is the reason behind this, some say that on Diwali, the King of Ayodhya was killed by Ravana, the tyrannical King of Ram Lankas, and returned to Ayodhya, the festival of Deepawali is celebrated in the joy of Ayodhya. . Behind Deepawali, different reasons are different in different states and religions.

There is no religion but on this day the lamp of joy and love burns in everyone's mind. We all clean our homes, many dishes are made in homes. Let us tell you 7 about the mythological and historical facts about this, due to which not only celebrate the festival of Deepawali with the joy and glee of people of the whole world but also the whole Hindu.

According to Hindu epic Ramayana, Lord Rama had returned after King Raman by killing Ravana and his kingdom well with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman after his kingdom, Ayodhya, a very long time (14 years). The people of Ayodhya were very happy with the arrival of their beloved and kind king Rama, his wife and brother Lakshman. Therefore, they celebrated Diwali by decorating their home and whole state on the day of Lord Rama's return, burning incense made from clay.

Lord Krishna had slaughtered Narakasur - a day before Diwali, 16,000 women had been kidnapped by Lord Narakasur, Lord Krishna had liberated all the women by slaughtering Asur Raja, people of Krishna Bhaktadhara, on this day of Deepawali Celebrate in the form.

Narasimha Roop of Vishnu - According to a legend, God Vishnu had killed Narayan Singh as a Narasimha and killed Hiranyakashyap. On this day Lakshmi and Lord Vishnupta appeared.

Special day for the Sikhs- On this day all the Sikhs are invited to receive their third Guru Amar Das's Arshivai. In 1577, this was the foundation stone of the Golden Temple, and in addition to 1619, on the day of Kartik Amavasya, Sixth Guru Hargobind Singh ji was released from jail.

Special Day for Jaino - Deepawali's day is of great importance in Jainism, on this day, Manaswas goes as the founding of modern Jainism, besides Nirvana Jaino was also received on Diwali day.

As the establishment of Arya Samaj - On this day, the founder of Arya Samaj, Maharshi Dayanand, took the expanses near Ajmer on Deepawali, becoming the great generator of Indian culture. Apart from this, during the reign of Mughal emperor Akbar, a big lamp is hung over 40 yards of high bamboos in front of the Daulat Khan. At the same time, during the time of Shah Alam II, the entire royal palace was decorated with lamps. On this occasion both Hindus and Muslims used to celebrate the festival with joy and glee together.

According to the records recorded in the pages of history 500 years ago, in the Mohenjo-dodo civilization, a mud of an idol appeared in both hands of the Goddess. From which it can be estimated that at that time the festival of Deepawali was also celebrated.